
Manet's painting "Olympia" was controversial not for the female nudity, but for the confrontational stare of the model. Female sexuality is similarly something to be acted upon, but not an actor. In tandem with learning the pleasures of our own bodies, many women are socialized to believe our desires are dangerous - perverse, even - while simultaneously being the object of want. In my own experience of coercive relationships, I was attributed an agency that did not align with my felt sense of lost bodily autonomy: labelled a seductress for simply existing, I could no longer navigate the boundaries between my authentic and performative sexuality. This image and associated prose represent my efforts to rediscover my agency and desires outside of that control.
Envy the insects
Feared for their bite
Stripping cloth and wool and meat
Embodied appetite
Those allowed want- A verb
And not an object
(Hold your tongue and don’t object)
Count them crawling on the ceiling
Butterfly pinned and meek
Predators don’t like it when their meals have teeth
Be food, but do not hunger
Be water, but do not thirst
Play at Olympia in the mirror
Until you lose your nerve
And avert your gaze
Like Venus
– Anonymous